Thursday 24 February 2011

Diane Wrong Furstenburg

Uh-oh lady, seems the Fash police have finally caught up with you!

Obviously not for your actual dress sense as you are usually tres tres chic but for "unknowingly" hiring 15 year old Hailey Clauson to model in your catwalk shows despite the model police's law that they be at least 16!

In fairness I dont think it makes a huge difference whether they start at 15 or 16 however its a bit difficult to then allow a 15y.o and not a 14y.o etc etc. They're clearly too young to make clear judgements for themselves at that age and being thrown into the cattlemarket world could be detrimental...

Check out the Mail's coveraage here

Super Sized Skinnies

It's the end of London Fashion Week and while every one of the designers and industry people should be celebrating instead they are being scrutinised by the media and quite effing rightly so!!

 Seeing these shows first-hand and from a backstage perspective was quite frankly disgusting- although I could appreciate the beauty of the clothes at Mark Fast's show, at the same time I was somewhat distracted throughout by the fear of being jabbed in the eyes by the models bones jutting out left right and centre.

Fast was praised last year for featuring ONLY curvy models in his runway show but seems this year he fell victim to the braying fashion mob and reverted to walking corpses in heavy make up.
At first I was impressed with the collection but flicking back through photos from the show I realised  it wasn't actually all that!
Thing is I cant seem to appreciate the results from the unbelievable amount of work that must have gone into creating these pieces all because he's chosen to misrepresent both himself and his talent by bringing them to us in a completely unrelateable and totally predictable fashion way.
The signs at Somerset House exits read 'London Fashion Week 2011, 16- 21st February- See you there!'
Don't be surprised if the hottest accessory on the runway is actually a drip or models carried out on stretchers.
Total Dreckitude in the words of Mr ALT himself.

Check out the Times verdict here

Thursday 17 February 2011

Evening Gem

Still stuffed from our steaks we fancied somewhere to just chill out, enjoy a cocktail and obviously people watch so headed to the Soho Hotel bar- another regular haunt of said Bestest!

Already heaving (save for 2 seats directly in front of rugged waiter), Refuel wasnt ye average hotel bar but was definitely something you'd expect to find in London- dark and broody yet still understatedly trendy.

The cocktail list didnt say much so i opted for the typical 'Girl Undecided' and vagued out the kind of cocktail i fancied: "Probably vodka-based, fruity, a bit strong and definitely no sickly-sweetness...more martini glass than short.........And please dont reccommend a Cosmo- cliche much!"

Cue muddling over before suggesting something more rum-based which appeared in a stout martini glass (think the champagne flutes usually found in the hands of Betty Draper), red, heavily infused with basil including floating basil leaf on top and topped with champagne.

Verdict? Absolutely beautiful!

But been there done that- despite his originality protests it's known as a 'Basil Grande' in the Living Rooms (Liverpool) and is one of my favourite cocktails, so no complaints!

Ps- bestest also informs me that this along with Charlotte St Hotel shows new film releases in their plush cinemas every Sunday afternoon... Odeon who!?

Afternoon Delight

Wandered round London town with one of my bestest and she brought me to this little gem of a place called 'Sophie's Steakhouse' where we stayed for no less than 3hours chatting to the staff, gossiping and of course taking advantage of their 'Steak Frites' offer- Steak (cooked to perfection), Fries (slightly thicker than frenchies and sans skin) & a glass of house white/ red/ rose wine for............ £9.95!

Sophie's has an overall Manhattan grill kind of feel- got this vibe even though i've never had a sniff of Manhattan but it's the kind of place you can go with family, friends or even on your own and not feel lost in such a big space.

Afternoon Delight: Sophie's Steak House, London

Wednesday 16 February 2011

London Babyyy!

So this week I'll be mainly working at London Fashion Week and the word excited barely covers it!
Had a tour round the venue yesterday as well as received our official accreditation and LFW/ Mulberry bag (which we've been warned to guard with our lives as these will be one of the most coveted items on the day!) along with our 'Little Black Books' (all designers names & contacts) and map of Somerset House!

Will keep posting as often as possible however signal in SS is somewhat limited!
Fave part of the building so far will be the Newgen/ Topshop space (typically) which is gorgeously decadent in reds & pinks on the walls and ipad touch stations where users can browse through the designers collections!

Check out LFW/ Somerset House

Off to lunch (yes carbs will be well as bottle of wine!) then a further wander round SS to familiarise etc etc
Did i mention

I Heart London...

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Imagine you were...

(Lady) Victoria Beckham...

Ok, Ok, maybe not the last one!
"I don't need a man to make me happy..."
Just VB, J'etaime!

Dirrty Dirrty Agui-failure

If you, like me got caught up in the Super Bowl hype on Sunday, despite not knowing what the hell was going on (or how hot those players were underneath) then you will obviously know what all the Anthem furore is about!

Or will you!?

Hell I had no idea she messed up the words!! Twilight/ lights or whatever she sang sounded perfectly normal to me!

What I was really interested in were her shoes! "Fiiiiiiiiierce!"

Tried to ignore the rest- it's a shame when your "prime" is wearing crotchless pants.. 
Please Please won't the Real Agui please come back!?

Monday 7 February 2011

Go on my Son!

The Wonderman himself has just won the BFC/ Vogue Designer Fashion Fund 2011!

ps- Did i mention I'll be working at LFW for the first time in just over a week?!
Je suis tres tres... ermm "excited"!

Her Chica Bonita's!

Waaaaaaaay back in... ok a good few years ago, some Big Time music producer pulled up on a corner, let the smoke outta his window and spotted a star.

Some military boots, white jeans, fancy car parked across a sunny Miami road and the wind in her hair later, Jenny from the Block was created!

Well now she's back with a new song (link below) which I'm not that bothered about but guess who's playing with the big Gucci dogs now!

Oh no, not JLo- I meant her little stunners Emme & Max. 
For reals, so cute!

Note to all how nobody asked Baby Daddy to be in the pic! #SurvivalOfTheFittest!

Now this is when I loved her...

New song (Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

Why Aye I oughtta....

Enough said.

She is gorgeous looking, great figure blah blah blah and yet anytime i pick up a magazine/ turn on the telly/ google her name THERE SHE IS AGAIN under yet another ridiculous headline!

Seriously, Murdoch shud be rimming this girl for the paper she moves!

So i get one of my fave magazines only to open a page and read about how all her friends and family are 'surrounding her as they fear she may suffer a breakdown with the anniversary of her divorce from Baggy Knickers looming'


Have they missed the (Chocolate and a bit of Milk) arm candy she's been sporting lately?!

For reals, there's no way this girl will be suffering a breakdown when she's on her way to becoming the next Kim Kardashian!

Wonder if there's enough in LA to go round between the 2 of them...