Thursday 24 February 2011

Super Sized Skinnies

It's the end of London Fashion Week and while every one of the designers and industry people should be celebrating instead they are being scrutinised by the media and quite effing rightly so!!

 Seeing these shows first-hand and from a backstage perspective was quite frankly disgusting- although I could appreciate the beauty of the clothes at Mark Fast's show, at the same time I was somewhat distracted throughout by the fear of being jabbed in the eyes by the models bones jutting out left right and centre.

Fast was praised last year for featuring ONLY curvy models in his runway show but seems this year he fell victim to the braying fashion mob and reverted to walking corpses in heavy make up.
At first I was impressed with the collection but flicking back through photos from the show I realised  it wasn't actually all that!
Thing is I cant seem to appreciate the results from the unbelievable amount of work that must have gone into creating these pieces all because he's chosen to misrepresent both himself and his talent by bringing them to us in a completely unrelateable and totally predictable fashion way.
The signs at Somerset House exits read 'London Fashion Week 2011, 16- 21st February- See you there!'
Don't be surprised if the hottest accessory on the runway is actually a drip or models carried out on stretchers.
Total Dreckitude in the words of Mr ALT himself.

Check out the Times verdict here