Monday 18 January 2010

Here Comes The Girl...

Decided to take up this wonderful past-time they call 'Blogging'!

Anyone from Liverpool could tell you how amazing the place is (including myself!) but I'm bored of it at the moment so figured it was about time to bring in a new Pack to mix things up a bit!

Looking to organise events, shows, "socials, mixers, trips to the cape" (more Mersey, less cape!) So if you've got an idea on the kind of stuff you like to attend thats missing from the Liver, drop me a line (of the non white substanced kind!)... Same if you'd just like to know whats going on around town or have anything going on you'd like people to know about!

Just add a comment on the type of events you feel are missing and would be interested in going to and I'll get working on it!

Here's to the new Pack... @LARGE!