Tuesday 30 March 2010

Crank it up... times 2!

Dating and over!

He was lovely- muscly, older, slightly moody/ mysterious, own place and liked hangover Sundays on the couch watching semi-chick-flicks!

On the downside he was a dick.

You know those guys you get the impression you should maaaybe stay away from but always without fail run headfirst into? Well ladies and gents, welcome to my type!

Figured the other day what my type is exactly: boys i dont get. That doesnt make me sound different from any other girl (who gets any of them right!) but I currently have 2 boys who have the ability to turn me into a crank at the mere sight of them: one into the "omg I love him" type (whom I really do love) and the other into a "the cheeky bastard how dare he keep breathing!!" type (rose on occasion does play part in said reaction).

Twice in the space of 3days I've bumped into both: one looking hot on a night out (the Crank I love) and the other carrying heavy bags for work in my uniform (the Crank I loathe): I believe it's called "Sod's Law" or as I prefer in the words of Jersey Shore's Snookie "Fuck my life!! Seriously!".

Fingers crossed the next time I run into either I'm either driving, or he's come to his senses... In the meantime this glass of wine and Jersey Shore marathon will more than suffice...