Saturday 13 March 2010

He's in Lurve with a stripper VS Glee gone wrong!

So last night decided to go on a slightly different night out and see a friend's band < TEQUILA LIPS > play in Liverpool city centre. Was all for it with the Sis and Stokey in tow so donned the moody black outfits and heels attire and headed out.

First stop, Alma da Cuba: for anyone who'se never been it's a fab converted church that has a tradition of Brazilian-carnival style dancers giving it their worth on an alter table before the midnight scattering of rose petals as a blessing!
  We spotted a couple in desperate need of a room too! If that was a first date then he's in for a good time, slash STD check: striptease. in office wear. in a church. full of worshippers. showing your cheeks in your pencil skirt slit. oh and so discreetly moving your hand in your guys trousers... and who said the art of being a lady was dead! Check out Alma here (minus the Ho show!) :

Onto the band venue, Zanzibar: cool space but in desperate need of heating/ air con/ moderate strerilisation BUT I guess that's the charm of a band place right! Supports were a little weak but once Tequila Lips came on (to "Arrrrriba" Mexican shouts) everyone was in swing and adjusting to the steam rising off our body heat. Good gig until the last "band"...

Clearly the Glee craze has err, gone crazy because after all thse cool bands came... a full Brass band. Yup, a brass band. About 20 uni kids, complete with conductor decided to open their set with a rendition of none other than cult classic Sesame Street. I kid you not.
  I'm all for art appreciation but there's a time and place, needless to say this wasn't it, especially when your lead player announces in toff accents "Oh i'm faaar too drunk to be playing har har" and proceeds to jump around the stage drooling all over his trombone and shoving others out of the spotlight at every opp- think i'll stick to the TV production which is starting to wear thin anyway...