Saturday 20 February 2010

Issa 2010

Sashay! Shantay! Check out Naomi strutting her stuff for Issa opening and closing the show!

Not too keen on the zebra/leopard print hat but heart the pony-style ribbon in plaits!

Kinder Aggugini 2010

A little (much) Willy Wonka!

Love the bold clashing prints, kinda like tribal and military had a fight with the princess of pink..

Bora Aksu SS10

Girly Girly thrills and frills!

Lots of lace, tights, satin, sheerness and even pigtails!

Love the Model Army at the end!


Headonism curated by Stephen Jones, SS10

Me likey!

Erin O'Connor, a rotating stage of oversized stacked boxes surrounded by a load of skinnies in some very interesting accessories including a furry snake for a hat, apples as headwear, heart for a mouth, oh and a bondage-style gag... Loves!

Caroline Charles SS10

Feel free to check this out...

Wasn't too ground-breaking for me..

Paul Costelloe SS10

Things to note from the SS10 collection:

- sharp shoulders
- structure
- Girly frills
- Florals
- Crazy blunt fringes
- Driving-Miss-Daisy-esque

Just not too sure about choice of song: Calvin Harris- All the girls

Take a look...

LFW more importantly...


Friday 19 February 2010

LFW *sob*

Check out this LFW vid!

Clements Ribeiro and their "luxury, bohemian chic"

Victoria Beckham. Twiggy, Gwyneth Paltrow & Anna Wintour all making appearances!

Wild Thang...

Cannot believe the coverage that Tiger Would ( you too!) is gettin!! Jeeze! That sad-face all over tv today was actually sickening- just keep the cat in its cage you "douche"!!

Here's what the 18-holer had to say from his official site...

I pledge allegiance, to my wife...

TIGER WOODS: "Good morning, and thank you for joining me. Many of you in this room are my friends. Many of you in this room know me. Many of you have cheered for me or you've worked with me or you've supported me." (Err..does he think this is the inaugration?!)

"Elin and I have started the process of discussing the damage caused by my behavior. As Elin pointed out to me, my real apology to her will not come in the form of words; it will come from my behavior over time. (Chastity belt...though you'd probably just pick the lock..) We have a lot to discuss; however, what we say to each other will remain between the two of us."

"But still, I know I have bitterly disappointed all of you. I have made you question who I am and how I could have done the things I did. I am embarrassed that I have put you in this position."

"For all that I have done, I am so sorry."

Blah blah blah loads of hugs and respectful hand-shaking. Fair do's the man has made a public apology but sincerity has nothing to do with it- you got caught out now let's see if rehab can teach you to want to only sleep with one woman...erm...your wife.

Thursday 18 February 2010

London Fashion Weep!

Argh another year another forgotten invite to LFW!

Absolutely devastated to not be there soaking up all the outfits, gossip and canapes alike!

Thank god for Vogue London, Company team and ASOS girls for constant updates for the fash fest of the year.... *sob*

Check out their bittersweet tweets! "Just leaving vogue house for Fashion For Relief. Exciting./ Kate moss just danced down the catwalk." /

Wednesday 17 February 2010


nah, not the drink...or the pizza...actually, forget the whole boring/ plainness of a Margherita 'cos the one I mean just so happens to be a member of the infamous Missoni family that continue to bring us crazy prints and catwalks- and seems to be popping up EVERYWHERE!

Hope I didnt miss a memo along the way, but maybe I'll just keep an eye out for her far not overly(under-ly?) impressed with what she wore to the Amfar New York Gala (as seen in this week's LOOK mag)- Any opinions?

Check out BET's look-back @ how celebs reacted to Lee McQueen's death

Sonia Rykiel's Knits..Not!

Am I the only one not really too impressed with Sonia Rykiel's knitwear for H&M...?

Ok some of the images are kinda cute (ie above yellow jumper) and even though most of us can't actually afford the real deal Designer threads, isnt the idea to make it LOOK like we can? Those multi-coloured stripes look not only High Street, but also- dare I say it- cheap! To me this is a perfect example of merely buying into designers for the sake of owning the name- it's all meant to be affordable-yet-still-stylish, such as erm I dont know- Rykiel's lingerie collection for H&M (!!) which managed to look all chic and Parisian how have they got it so wrong this time and created mother-and-baby monstrosities!?

All i'm saying is baby-momma better be willing to hand over their gold if I spot these outfits around town...

Sunday 14 February 2010

Blag Friday...

So a little while ago in work we had a little run-in with a certain female singer from a certain group who since then, have decided to rename as 'The (blag) Fridays'...

On a completely different "blag Friday" decided to spend it shopping with my very own version of Winehouse, pre-Blake, post-vodka...

  First stop, Zara. Not a usual choice, but hey, can't say I'd live to regret it! Venture towards the back perusing the rails only to be met with an unfamiliar voice saying "Oh my god, i'm soo ashamed!" in the way only a Scouse girl can. Turn to see said voice owned by plain looking yet flushed girl tackling a mannequin on a shelf a little too out of her reach: "I NEED to get this top off this mannequin- it's the last size Small and i love it!"-"It" was vile.

At this point, after bursting out laughing in her shiny face, we probably should have walked away. But again, put me and Wino together and trouble's got nothing on us!

Decided to aide the girl (yes, this was our better judgement!) by suggesting she "just take it down off the shelf, it'll be fine!"- She did (childsplay!) and continued to struggle with it while we took up separate posts guarding and keeping an eye out for 'sales advisors'. It was like a scene from a romcom seriously anyone watching would have known straight away three girls in a shop standing still and whistling/giggling was somewhat odd...

She eventually got the bloody thing off with our help and wise words ("You know wot, they probably had to take the arms off to get the top on- you shoud probably do that too") and looked immensely proud of herself while we continued perusing in fits of laughter. Right before she left, first rail we got to- her questionable top. On a hanger. In a size Small!!

Again I could have just laughed it off after watching this girl struggle for the better of 10minutes and finishing triumphant- but where's the fun in that!! Preceded to stroll over to her with item in hand to proudly declare "Aaah look what we've just found over there"- Cue beetroot red embarassment, "You're MESSSSSIN!!" (again, in the way only a scouse girl can) and a rush to the tills before being associated with the dismantled half naked manny, leaving us in hysterics! A picture had to be taken...

I just wish I could have taken another of her when we bumped into her 10minutes later in another shop, Zara bag in hand...


The minor details!

7.40am walk to the station, mother strapping her kid into car seat and stops to check herself out in the mirror- it's at this point i realise- and she too should have- that she still had time to get back in and change! I cannot for the life of me understand how matching her regurgitated-pea green mondeo head-to-toe was EVER a good idea... lady, i know it's early but the fact that your child was howling shouldda given you a clue!

8am train to work, spots a girl running for said commute (aww, wonder if she'll make it...)- in a navy blue gypsy skirt (complete with flower on hip), beige pumps, cropped navy blue top, tan leather jacket and M&S bag.... now as we all know, Gypsy died a long time ago, albeit a rather long and slow death, it died all the same! And the only way to rock it is more boho, as opposed to hobo..oh and sunshine is a necessity, so lady- outfit was a baaad choice from the get-go! Ps- she made it... damn.

8.30am way out of station, a matronly woman in a fabulous outfit- paisley pencil skirt, button down pale yellow cardy, pearly and patent leather black heels! V. impressive....til she stepped off the escalator and decided the missing accessory to said near-perfect work-fit was a hobbit-style hunched over walk!! Totally killed it for me!

Thursday 11 February 2010

R.I.P. Alexander McQueen

Picture: web

Sad to hear of the death of  designer talented Lee 'Alexander' McQueen today who apparently committed suicide at his London home. A statement from the Alexander McQueen brand's office released today reads:

"On behalf of Lee McQueen's family, Alexander McQueen today announces the tragic news that Lee McQueen, the founder and designer of the Alexander McQueen brand has been found dead at his home.

  At this stage it is inappropriate to comment on this tragic news beyond saying that we are devastated and are sharing a sense of shock and grief with Lee's family.

  Lee's family has asked for privacy in order to come to terms with this terrible news and we hope the media will respect this."

  I'm amongst the few who would class themselves as an avid McQueen follower, however anyone who's anyone would recognise the iconic skull print as one of the most definitive works of the designer- not to mention a firm fashion staple across the world.

  Most recently those armadillo shoes which shocked and were made to be admired rather than actually worn!

Anyone brave enough to experiment the way he did deserves to be honoured in the fashion world.

Looking forward to fitting tributes throughout London Fashion Week, which is due to start next week.

R.I.P. Mr McQueen...

Zara twins Burberry Prorsum's looks!

Happened to walk past Zara in Liverpool One this week and love their store window! Ruffles, lots of beige, safari, belts, gladiators, tuxedo fits, military jackets... need we need more!

Looks just like Burberry's collection...minus crippling price tag of ye average working shopaholic!

Monday 1 February 2010

ANTM Quote of the day...

    "Walk like it's for sale, and the rent is due tonight!" - The legendary, Miss Jay.

Is there ANY need for...

...the "hottest" new chick on the block Ke$ha?! 

At least Courtney Love cared about her when she Tweeted:

"...she's being moulded into something not her that will fail. I want to save her. Sweetheart you make me go all maternal, I want to save you..."

Well, I feel the same C-Lo... if the same means that I cant stand her and wish someone would save her (and preferably silence her for eternity) so that we need never hear her screetching 'I'm pissin' in the Dom Perignon/ I threw up in the closet and I don't care' ...