Sunday 14 February 2010


The minor details!

7.40am walk to the station, mother strapping her kid into car seat and stops to check herself out in the mirror- it's at this point i realise- and she too should have- that she still had time to get back in and change! I cannot for the life of me understand how matching her regurgitated-pea green mondeo head-to-toe was EVER a good idea... lady, i know it's early but the fact that your child was howling shouldda given you a clue!

8am train to work, spots a girl running for said commute (aww, wonder if she'll make it...)- in a navy blue gypsy skirt (complete with flower on hip), beige pumps, cropped navy blue top, tan leather jacket and M&S bag.... now as we all know, Gypsy died a long time ago, albeit a rather long and slow death, it died all the same! And the only way to rock it is more boho, as opposed to hobo..oh and sunshine is a necessity, so lady- outfit was a baaad choice from the get-go! Ps- she made it... damn.

8.30am way out of station, a matronly woman in a fabulous outfit- paisley pencil skirt, button down pale yellow cardy, pearly and patent leather black heels! V. impressive....til she stepped off the escalator and decided the missing accessory to said near-perfect work-fit was a hobbit-style hunched over walk!! Totally killed it for me!