Sunday 14 February 2010

Blag Friday...

So a little while ago in work we had a little run-in with a certain female singer from a certain group who since then, have decided to rename as 'The (blag) Fridays'...

On a completely different "blag Friday" decided to spend it shopping with my very own version of Winehouse, pre-Blake, post-vodka...

  First stop, Zara. Not a usual choice, but hey, can't say I'd live to regret it! Venture towards the back perusing the rails only to be met with an unfamiliar voice saying "Oh my god, i'm soo ashamed!" in the way only a Scouse girl can. Turn to see said voice owned by plain looking yet flushed girl tackling a mannequin on a shelf a little too out of her reach: "I NEED to get this top off this mannequin- it's the last size Small and i love it!"-"It" was vile.

At this point, after bursting out laughing in her shiny face, we probably should have walked away. But again, put me and Wino together and trouble's got nothing on us!

Decided to aide the girl (yes, this was our better judgement!) by suggesting she "just take it down off the shelf, it'll be fine!"- She did (childsplay!) and continued to struggle with it while we took up separate posts guarding and keeping an eye out for 'sales advisors'. It was like a scene from a romcom seriously anyone watching would have known straight away three girls in a shop standing still and whistling/giggling was somewhat odd...

She eventually got the bloody thing off with our help and wise words ("You know wot, they probably had to take the arms off to get the top on- you shoud probably do that too") and looked immensely proud of herself while we continued perusing in fits of laughter. Right before she left, first rail we got to- her questionable top. On a hanger. In a size Small!!

Again I could have just laughed it off after watching this girl struggle for the better of 10minutes and finishing triumphant- but where's the fun in that!! Preceded to stroll over to her with item in hand to proudly declare "Aaah look what we've just found over there"- Cue beetroot red embarassment, "You're MESSSSSIN!!" (again, in the way only a scouse girl can) and a rush to the tills before being associated with the dismantled half naked manny, leaving us in hysterics! A picture had to be taken...

I just wish I could have taken another of her when we bumped into her 10minutes later in another shop, Zara bag in hand...